The Affordable Care Act Decision: Can Common Sense Prevail In The Midst of Political Chaos?

However, to borrow from Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s last communication with her granddaughter, it is our “fervent wish” that the Supreme Court will apply basic common sense and will take into account the stated intent of Congress when they make their decision regarding the ACA’s fate. In our view, although it is far from perfect, the ACA has played a central role over the past decade.

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The "New Normal" Medicaid: A Viable Public Option Alternative to Medicare-for-All

All this likely points to renewed arguments that a Medicare-for-All single payer government healthcare system would be a potential solution to this new normal scenario. We do not support that plan for all the reasons described above. However, we are convinced that the current crisis will require some type of public option alternative going forward. We believe that the New Normal Medicaid program we described last month could be utilized as one model for this type of public option alternative.

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The “New Normal” Medicaid: A Practical Approach for State & Local Government Relief

Our practical solution and rationale, outlined below, proposes to mirror the Medicare funding model by transferring all Medicaid funding responsibility to the federal government. This bold action, which is in keeping with much of the government’s virus response, better positions the U.S. healthcare safety net to perform its critical task in this crisis and its aftermath.  If it is to care for us, we must first care for it.

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I have spent the past four decades as a healthcare executive and consultant – the last 20 of those years working with academic medical centers. It made it especially difficult to watch over the past three months as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the U.S. healthcare provider community.

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